IT services for students
We offer you interesting tools and services that make your work at the university easier. Choose from our offer to use the IT services of the university, you only need a Uni-Graz account. You will receive this account automatically with your enrollment.
Apps and co
youni (the app for studying)
uniYOU (the entry portal on the desktop)
Cisco Anyconnect App (uniVPN)
Nextcloud APP (uniCLOUD)
Element APP (uniCHAT)
Emergency notebooks
Access (wireless key)
Webaccess (e-mail)
Zoom (videoconference)
uniMEET (videoconference on servers of the University of Graz)
uniSHARE (data exchange for large files)
Fileservice (drive Z:)
uniCLOUD (30 GB on servers of the university)
OneDrive (1 TB on Microsoft cloud storage)
WIFI (connection at the university)
VPN (connection from home)
Set up MFA (for example necessary for VPN)