Purchase software for free or at very low prices. The offer ranges from software on your own laptop to free virtual software.
At a glance
Software for the private device at very favorable conditions
Free use of virtual software via the application server (limited licenses)
Software on public devices (in the study rooms and at publicly accessible locations)
Office 365 Pro Plus as a free license on up to 5 of your devices for the duration of the study program (necessary)
Prerequisite for the purchase of software via uniIT is the valid enrollment at the University of Graz. The license agreement obliges students to use the software product only for the following purposes:
Software development for teaching and research
It is not allowed to use the software products for commercial work.

Software for private devices
uniIT provides selected software products to all students of the University of Graz via the IT support portal at favorable prices or free of charge.
The software products have the normal scope of services and are provided for use on private devices.
No printed documentation is included in the delivery.
The software can only be paid for by online bank transfer.
A valid student account is required.
The software may not be used for commercial purposes. The license terms have to be observed.
For paid programs ordered via the IT support portal, an e-mail with the download link and license key will be sent as soon as the license fees have been paid.
Depending on the contract, the permission to use the software ends one year after activation or at the end of the study period.
The availability of the software depends on the license agreements or contracts that we, on the part of uniIT, have concluded with the software manufacturers. As a rule, campus licenses are available without restriction, while multiple licenses are limited to the quantity specified in the contract.
License terms
We would like to point out in general that the software may not be used for commercial applications.
In principle, the right to use the software is valid as long as a valid subscription is available or no changes to the license conditions are made by the manufacturer. During the license period, the latest version of the software product can be installed.
SPSS is a rental license that is valid for a maximum of 12 months from activation. During this time, the latest version can always be used. After this period, a new license must be purchased. Please refer to the IT support portal for the costs.
Software at more favorable conditions
Via Microsoft Imagine you have the possibility to purchase certain software at student conditions.
Virtual software
For calling virtual software for research and teaching from your private work device, uniIT provides an application server via RDS. The access also works off campus and on non-Windows operating systems.
The licenses at the application server are limited and are used in the context of courses and for exercises. At the same time, only a certain number of users can access the software offered. Since these are mostly expensive licenses, they can unfortunately not be extended at will and are only available in the offered version.
You work on the servers of the University of Graz and only get remote access to the software running there.
Your internet speed influences the responsiveness of the executed software significantly.
Your files and projects are stored by default on your student storage space.
Available virtual software products
Software product | Version |
IBM SPSS Statistics | 28 |
IBM SPSS Amos Graphics | 28 |
MultiTermDesktop | 2021 |
Subtitle Edit |
Trados Studio | 2021 |
(Translated with