What you need
- Active account in UNIGRAZonline
Short overview
- Open LimeSurvey with the browser: https://edu.survey.uni-graz.at/admin.1
- Log in via UNIGRAZonline E-Mail and UNIGRAZonline password.
- You can immediately start to compile a survey after logging in for the first time. To do that, click on the main admin icon (with the green +) on the right side of the screen next to the menu Surveys: Please select
Please note: Via student.umfrage, students at the University of Graz can send surveys or invitations to participate in a study, or similar, in connection with an academic paper
» Detailed information about student.Umfrage.
Detailed Instructions
Umfragen erstellen – Einführung
LimeSurvey Bedienungsanleitung
Data Privacy and Terms of Use (Only in German)
1 staff of the University of Graz can log in at https://survey.uni-graz.at/admin.