What you need
- Active account in UNIGRAZonline
Detailed instruction (only in german)
Export/import survey from Limesurvey
Short overview
- Open your survey on the old LimeSurvey https://survey2.edu.uni-graz.at/admin and select View/Export -> Export -> Survey Structure (*.lss). The file will be saved on your PC.
- Now open the new LimeSurvey https://edu.survey.uni-graz.at/admin and click on the arrow at the top of the bar to the right of Surveys. Select Import a survey.
- In the view below please select your file and then go to Import Survey.
- In the next window you will see a list of survey settings: After clicking on Go to survey, your survey will appear, which you can now edit further.
1 Employees of the University of Graz log in on https://survey.uni-graz.at/admin