What you need
- Active account in UNIGRAZonline
- A connection to network of Uni Graz (LAN, WiFi or via VPN)
- macOS 10.13.5 or more recent
Detailed instruction (only in German)
Auto-Installation of the Canon MFP-printer in macOS
Short overview
- Download Canon App:
- https://software.uni-graz.at/files/Mac/Canon/Canon.zip
- Authenticate with your credentials in the following format:
- Name: UNIGRAZonline email address.
- Password: UNIGRAZonline password
- Launch Canon App:
- Open with control button moved and left mouse button pressed.
- You will get the message - "Canon" cannot be opened because Apple cannot search for malware in it.
- Select: Open / Öffnen
- You get the message - "Canon" wants access to files in your Downloads folder.
- Select: OK
- Now follow the instructions in the app.