Request an external account
This service is available for staff members.
External accounts are enabled for the timeframe of one year and can get renewed if necessary.
When a new external account is created by uniIT, an initial password is set, which must be changed by the account user within a certain time frame.
The initial password is redeemed with an active connection to the university network (on campus or via VPN).
The password is valid for 360 days.
Attention: For external access to the IT services, it is necessary to set up multifactor authentication (MFA) and an active VPN connection.
Change password
1. as an external person, open the address 2. now enter your access data:
- [account name] and
- previous password
3. set a new password and repeat it in the last field. To increase security, the password must meet the following criteria:
- At least 12 characters
- Characters from at least 3 of the following categories: Upper case letters (A to Z), lower case letters (a to z), digits (0 to 9), special characters !$%()*+,-./:=[]_{}.
- must not contain your first name, family name or user name
- also parts of first or family names should not be used
4. click Submit.